Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Indian motorcycles are an interesting topic. No, I'm not talking about the classic American motorcycle brand, “Indian Motorcycles,” a reference to native American Indians rather than the sort this post will discuss. Motorcycles (including mopeds, Vespas, and all other variety of two wheeled transport) remain the premier method of motorized transit throughout all of India. Although there are quite a few small cars here (think Honda Fit for a size comparison), according to sales statistics for January 2011, motorcycles accounted for 75% of all vehicle sales.

It is not uncommon to see three or more people on one motorcycle either (the most we've seen is five). Couples are common, with a man driving and a woman on back, typically in a sari riding in a “side saddle” style, and almost always without any sort of safety helmet. Babies here seem to be born with the knowledge of how to hold on – as soon as a kid can walk, the kid is old enough to sit in front of their parent on a moto... no joke. It should also be noted that the “motos” are grossly underpowered compared to what we are used to seeing in the United States. Buses traveling no more than 40 mph pass motorcycles left and right on all the roads. The motorcycles may look like larger models at home, but rarely have any more power or speed than an scooter might in the U.S.

Which brings me to the real purpose of this post... the ellusive leather jacketed miscreant depicted in the image below. Leather clad gang member bad-asses like this rabble rouser are quick about foot, and as they are always on the run they are exceptionally difficult to photograph. Evidently, in addition to gun and drug running, they are also deathly afraid of their egregious copyright and trademark infringement crimes, and the hard time they may have to do if they are apprehended. Take a close look at this roustabout as you will likely never again gaze upon a specemin of this gang, let alone the gang's creme-de-la-creme numero uno leader. “Harley Devidson” too. Watch out!

1 comment:

  1. hey, that dude's name is "hurley", or maybe it was harvey. yeah, the part about the adults & babies sans helmets reminds me of the the documentary 'babies', where the mongolian child & mom who recently delivered it going home on dad's motorcycle (with another child in front). i'm sure the parents of the san francisco baby would have had a heart attack had anyone suggested that to them. i don't know, babies in general make me so nervous...anywho, i anjoy the high grease factor to numero uno's coiffure.


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